Governments have traditionally had several powerful enemies that would get in their way:
Religions (which often worked with governments, but sometimes didn't),
Tribes and communities, who could be self-sufficient outside government systems and were often armed,
Family units.
Over the past two centuries, religion has been either dismantled, or made irrelevant by secularism - which is nothing more than faith in the state.
Tribes and communities are all but gone, too. Urban and suburban living have destroyed tight-knit communities, and with the advent of radio, T.V., computers, smartphones, and online shopping, the joy and necessity of talking to your neighbors has been replaced by the electronic tendrils of the matrix, infiltrating every part of our lives.
All that was left was the family unit - which, being the fundamental building block of every civilized society for millennia, and being wired into our very DNA, was the hardest to dismantle.
Governments have been trying to brainwash our kids since the Prussian government first created their "schooling" system in the 18th century.
“Education should aim at destroying free will, so that, after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished.”
― Johann Gottlieb Fichte
Other governments around the world have been desperately vying to emulate and extend this system of regimented bells and order-following in an endless push to tear children away from parents and put them in prison cells called classrooms, where they could be indoctrinated into the lies that justify the state's existence, and be made into obedient, safe slaves.
But things were not progressing fast and far enough. Governments wanted total control. At some point in the early 20th century, governments realized the utility of feminism.
As long as a father could earn enough money to feed his family, and the mother could stay at home to raise, nurture, and teach her children - governments would be unable to assert complete control over children's minds in their formative years. Plus, women were largely happy to stay at home and raise children - a task they had evolved to do over millions of years. After all, what could be more satisfying than fulfilling your genetic potential?
Feminism turned that all upside down. By latching onto valid complaints about unequal rights, they turned generations of women against men and children - creating feelings of resentment and envy.
Women were told that they should be "independent" and "free", but what they were really being told was that they should leave raising of their children to the government.
By putting women into the workforce the aristocracy killed three birds with one stone:
They doubled the taxable workforce, monetizing the productivity of women. It's almost impossible to tax a woman while she's a stay-at-home mum and taking care of her children since no money is changing hands, even though value is being created. Bringing women out into the workforce effectively doubled the taxable number of people the government could exploit and steal from.
They forced even more children into schools - including daycares, as parents were simply unable to be at home to take care of them.
They hid the declining living standards of the middle class with two salaries. Most people think we're better off today than we were 60 years ago - but 60 years ago a blue collar worker with no college degree could feed his wife and 3 kids. Today it takes both husband wife working to be able to feed 1-2 kids, and they usually need college degrees and white collar jobs to do it. We have shinier gadgets and toys to distract us with, but are we really better off?
Most children (many from when they are babies!), now find themselves being indoctrinated and abused by total strangers in government institutions for most of the day.
Over the last century, this progressed from teaching children valuable skills (like math and reading) to increasingly teaching them useless abstract knowledge.
It went from simply brainwashing them, to taking over their bodies too, by giving them drugs (like Ritalin) and injections (vaccines).
At this point, many schools throughout America look just like prisons. They don't even pretend to be anything else anymore.
They have metal detectors at entrances, guards, an army of truancy officers who try to hunt down any children who aren't in their prison cell during the day, and, just to make it really feel like a prison, many schools even bring in dogs for drug searches on a regular basis.
First the government took the women out of the family. Then they took the children out.
Now, parents are reeling at the discovery that their children are being exposed to inappropriate materials at early ages, or that school principals routinely cover for abuse teachers, and that firing a unionized teachers is virtually impossible - even if they're abusive psychopaths. They go to PTA meetings to express their frustrations, but nothing ever changes.
Your children are the most valuable thing you have - and they're the future of our entire species. Don't put them into schools, least of all government schools. Don't throw them into that pit of vipers. Don't let their brains be corrupted from being institutionalized in a meat-grinder for most of their formative years.
Whatever your personal situation is, it's not worth it. Sacrifice that nice new car, or that bigger house, or whatever it is you need to do to change your lifestyle so that you can take your kids out of schools and homeschool them.
Do it now - because the assault on your children won't end, and it won't let up. Things will only get worse, and the government won't be happy until every one of our children is so brainwashed, and their obedience is so absolute, that they might as well have a Brain-Machine Interface (BMI) chip installed in their brains.
Which, at the rate at which we're going - will be as mandatory as the CDC's vaccine schedule within about 10-20 years.
Some things should not be outsourced. Taking care of your children is one of them.
Also some of those day care people are not very smart. When my three year old niece called one of the teachers fat. That same person called my sister to complain. You know the girl was three years old you think you could just say that's not very nice to say to her and leave it at that. So she called my sister at work. I mean what does she want my sister to do beat her. Your feeling's get hurt so easily that you have to bother my sister at work because a three year old called her fat. That's what kids do. Some of those same people have the mentality of a three year old. She also called me fat one time I did not call my sister at work.