The Real Red Pill: Not everyone wearing a human skin is a human being
The secret almost nobody will tell you
There’s a famous quote about the devil:
The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.
Here’s my version: “The greatest trick that politicians, cops, soldiers, CEOs, and other psychopaths have ever pulled was to convince normal human beings that they have souls just like us.”
They don’t. Every government in human history up to the present moment, from so-called dictatorships and monarchies to so-called republics and democracies, have been ran by psychopaths. In actual fact, these are all psychopathocracies.
The Polish scientist Andrew Lobaczewski studied this phenomenon and published a book about it, "Political Ponerology”. It took great effort to even bring this book to light, because its message was suppressed, its manuscripts burnt or hidden. It took decades to get it out.
But the basic truth of it is as terrifying as it is simple: The majority of politicians are psychopaths. The majority of cops are psychopaths. The majority of soldiers are psychopaths. The majority of CEOs are psychopaths. The few cops and politicians that aren’t who joined for naive reasons quit pretty soon after.
And these psychopaths are often charismatic. Just look at the number of people following Elon Musk on twitter. He’s clearly a narcissistic sociopath or psychopath. And yet he’s managed to fool millions of people into being adoring fans, who make excuses for his every transgression, of which there are more than I can count.
The system filters for psychopaths. The CIA and FBI specifically recruit psychopaths, because they know they’ll reliably follow orders, all the way down to torturing of innocent people, without any “pesky” moral compass in the way.
The U.S. government has been not-so-secretly running torture camps around the world. Some of the famous ones like Guantanamo Bay are still operational. They’re still torturing people there, some locked up for 20 years, with no evidence, no conviction of a crime, no trial, no due process, no human decency. The people doing this are sadistic psychopaths. So is every single U.S. president in the last half-century, at least. Every one of them could have stopped these programs with the stroke of a pen. They didn’t. They knowingly either explicitly authorized and funded them, or at the very least allowed them to continue without resistance.
The Chinese do the same thing. So do the Russians. Even the supposedly progressive and “nice” Swedish government had a secret program to forcibly sterilize prisoners.
Politicians, cops, and soldiers will often pretend that they’re doing all this for some good reason. They’ll lie and say that the ends justify the means. The means, of course, being abuse, violence, aggression, torture, rape, and murder.
After all, Madeleine Albright says murdering 500,000 Iraqi children is “worth it”. If you can justify genocide, then you can justify anything.
The deceit lies in the fact that it’s not about whether or not we should be using horrific means to justify some noble ends. The murder and torture are the ends. That’s why these people signed up for these jobs. That’s why these people stay in these jobs for decades, long after realizing or confirming what the job is really about. They derive a sick kind of pleasure from murdering and torturing innocent people.
That’s who the so-called “ruling class” is. That’s who the politicians in DC are.
They’re not regular people like you and I. They don’t have empathy - they don’t even have the capacity for it. Empathy requires mirror neurons which help us feel the suffering or elation of others. If you don’t physically possess the mirror neurons (which psychopaths don’t), then you can never empathize with another’s suffering. It’s not a fixable problem either - you either develop these in early childhood or you don’t. You can’t grow them as an adult.
And if you’re a sadist, you have a sick kind of reverse empathy in which hurting others brings you pleasure.
We now know, without the shadow of a doubt, that the war in Iraq was a fraud, in which politicians and intelligence agencies deliberately manufactured fake evidence of weapons of mass destruction. The resulting death and suffering of millions, including in secret torture camps like Abu Ghraib were almost never prosecuted. A few scapegoats went to prison or were reprimanded, but the real masterminds, the higher-ups who authorized the torture, people like George Bush and other politicians, will never see the inside of a prison. They get to retire in luxury with millions of dollars stolen from taxpayers.
An FBI sniper in 1992 murdered an unarmed woman during the FBI attack at Ruby Ridge. Charges against him were simply dropped. He gets to walk free and retire on a government pension. So do the FBI agents who burned innocent children alive at Waco in 1993. So do the CIA agents who kidnapped and tortured Americans and Canadians during the MKULTRA years.
If you want to take the red pill and really know the darkest truth of the world, this is it: these people are not human. Religious people might say that they don’t have a soul. Physically, being psychopaths, they simply have a malfunctioning brain. They are wearing a human skin (which is where the reptilian conspiracies come from). They walk and talk (almost) like a human, but inside they’re irredeemably broken. They are, in a word, evil.
And through millennia of manipulation and lies these psychopaths have managed to collude, conspire, and deceive their way into positions of power. From the Pharaohs to medieval witch hunts and inquisitions, to today’s torture camps.
That’s what royalty is all about, by the way. It’s not just about inheritance of wealth and titles, it’s also about preserving psychopathic traits, which are a mix of genetics and trauma inflicted during childhood.
Until the vast majority of normal, healthy human beings wake up to the fact that they’re being ruled by, essentially, evil demons in disguise, we will never be free.
It’s not about political systems. It’s not about debates. It’s not about Democrats and Republicans, or Libertarians and Marxists, or any number of other designations. Furthermore, psychopaths can be of any race or gender, and racism and sexism are also fundamentally divisive ideologies meant to distract us from the real issue.
Even if we lived in a stateless society without a government, psychopaths would still rise to positions of power as businessmen and warlords, just as they do today. They’d still be serial killers and mass murderers. The majority of CEOs of major world corporations are likely psychopaths, as is much of upper and middle management. So are most violent criminals.
We need to wake up to the presence of this malignant, cancerous evil within our midst, masquerading as “human”, and do something about it. I don’t have a good solution for dealing with this problem. Naively I’d say that maybe we can send them all off to an island where they can live out the rest of their existence in relative comfort, manipulating and hurting each other, instead of innocent people. But that’s not likely to happen.
I do know this: with the advent of nuclear weapons, biochemical warfare and lethal viruses made in labs, and all manner of other weapons of mass destruction, humanity can no longer afford to ignore this problem. It won’t be confined to the sick depredations of a few individuals here or there. Their capability to inflict suffering has been industrialized, like the Nazi and Soviet concentration camps were.
If humanity doesn’t deal with the problem of skin-wearing psychopaths in disguise soon, then I don’t think we’re going to be around for very much longer. Sooner or later one of these so-called “people” is going to push the proverbial button, and end us all.
I leave you with this quote from George Orwell’s 1984, which sums up the credo of the psychopath perfectly:
The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from the oligarchies of the past in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis and the Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their own motives. They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and that just around the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal. We are not like that. We know what no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now you begin to understand me.” ― George Orwell, from 1984
".......Which are a mix of genetics and trauma inflicted during childhood", so true. Hello. I was led here by Christopher Cook. I was meant to stop reading for the night, but oh well. We have been suffering from their machinations for a long, long time. Part of this new era is correcting that. This is our legacy. We have a lot of work to do. Every action and every word spoken on the subject builds momentum. So, thank you.
In my research, psychopaths are 1–2 percent of the population. That is a small percent, but it produces a very large raw number when you take it as a percent of a large population. Three million psychopaths is a lot. As you note, you generally have to add in childhood trauma in order to get the serial-killer types, but even without that, they can still do a lot of damage.
I think it is more true when it comes to politicians, people working in intel, and really huge CEOs. I think it applies to some cops, though I wonder what percent. It is obviously unscientific, but the cops I have know personally have not been psychopaths. However, I think there is a set of other incentives that make cops dangerous anyway, which I lay out in part here: