The transgender movement are unwitting pawns of transhumanists
A sane person looking at the news over the past few years might be baffled by the sudden onslaught of transgender-related news. Philosophers used to ponder questions like, “What’s the meaning of life?”, and, “Is there a god?”
Now we seem to be pondering what the definition of a man and a woman is.
As the psychopaths in our midst build the metaphorical tower of babel and try to be more like god, creating Artificial Intelligence and robots that resemble us, society disintegrates, and people seem to be losing their ability to communicate regarding the most basic of issues.
You might think the world was going mad - and it is, but the salient point here is that it’s not going mad by accident.
Destroying the basic conceptions of what a man and woman, indeed, of what a human is, opens the door to ushering in the transhumanist’s dream of the future.
A future in which cybernetically enhanced humans, with remote-controlled Brain-Machine Interfaces like Neuralink implanted into their brains, form the backbone of a new slave army. A slave that cannot even consider the possibility of rebellion.
A future in which, as sperm counts and fertility rates drop, government-controlled reproduction in artificial wombs, a eugenics program on steroids, takes over.
The goal is to usher in a technocratic tyranny the likes of which we’ve never seen in recorded history.
Their plans will fail, of course - hubris always leads to downfall. But that doesn’t mean they won’t hurt a lot of people along the way, bringing down civilization with them.
It’s important to understand what’s at stake here. It’s not just about keeping men in skirts out of women’s bathrooms, or making sure women have a reasonable chance at winning in sports against other women. The stakes are much higher than this. Right now, the transhumanists are testing the waters, seeing if they can get us to give up on the very basics of what makes us human.
This started with Marxism and Feminism over a century ago, and it’s culminated in the only logical place it could - a complete dismantling of human identity. The end goal: replacement of the free-thinking, free-willed individual with a hive-mind, remote-controlled slave.