Corporate media has been anti-gun for decades, and the lies are only getting worse. Take this Reuters article for instance. After talking about mass shootings, they then say that:
“Gun violence has been the number one cause of death for children in the United States since 2020.”
The average person reading this propaganda might think kids are being gunned down left and right, most likely in school shootings. But if you look at the data from the study, it’s pretty clear that that’s not what’s happening. First of all, the vast majority of the deaths are in the age group of 15-19 year olds. Since when is an 18 or 19 year-old who can vote and drive considered a child?
Among younger children the primary cause of death seems to be accidental injury, not exactly what people would consider to be “gun violence”.
And then it turns out that most white people in the 15-19 age group are actually committing suicide. Suicide rates did go up in 2020 due to the lockdowns, so we have government policy and people’s madness to blame for that, not guns. If they weren’t committing suicide with guns, they’d find some other, less effective way of doing it, like OD’ing on aspirin. Should we ban aspirin too? Or maybe we should address the reasons they’re committing suicide. You know, like increased social media and smartphone use, or isolation due to school closures and mask wearing.
Notice also that gun deaths among white children started increasing in 2020, whereas among blacks they started increasing in 2019 (or earlier, but that’s as far as this data goes), meaning that particular issue is unrelated to the lockdowns.
Now pay attention to the rates of gun deaths here. Not only are the vast majority of gun deaths happening to blacks, but also, between 2018 and 2021 gun deaths increased by 73% for blacks while they only increased by 20% for whites.
Why are blacks aged 15-19 dying of gun deaths so much, and why at such an increasing rate? Is it gang violence? Most of the deaths among blacks were homicides and not suicides, unlike for whites.
Does anyone really believe that banning guns is going to make all the gangs go away? Hardened drug dealers, murderers, and thieves are just going to hand their guns into the nearest police station? Hardly.
And if there is an increase in violence in black communities over the past few years, then that’s a good reason for black people to have guns - for self-defense!
Banning guns at a time when crime rates are increasing is as insane as banning fire extinguishers at a time when wildfires are on the rise.
In conclusion, if you remove adults from the study (18 and 19 year-olds), remove accidental deaths, and remove suicides, the numbers go down dramatically.
Having discovered that the Reuters claim is not even supported by its own study, I decided to fact-check them by going to the CDC, which maintains records of causes of death for children. I filtered by the same 15-19 year age group, and here’s what I found:
The leading cause of death for that age group is actually accidents. Second on the list is homicides, and third is suicides.
Who’s right? The study quoted by Reuters in a propaganda piece, or the CDC database? Who knows. The CDC’s credibility has plunged a lot ever since the whole COVID debacle, but I would bet firearms, and especially “gun violence” isn’t really the leading cause of death here.
And if you look at 10-14 year-olds, an age group that doesn’t have adults in it, the statistics show that homicides moves down from no. 2 to no. 4, after cancer.
As an aside, in this age group, there were 598 suicides, and 79 COVID deaths. Were lockdowns that increased the suicide rate among children really a good idea given how few children are vulnerable to dying from COVID in the first place? Of course, the CDC is a political organization that exists to sell fear and drugs/vaccines, so disregarding its own data is standard practice for them/
Now, shouldn’t the so-called journalists at Reuters be doing this kind of analysis? Shouldn’t they be comparing data from multiple sources to verify the validity of what they’re writing? Shouldn’t they do a bit more of a deep dive to see if their insane claim is even remotely true? Is Facebook going to fact-check and ban this article? I think we all know the answer to that one.
This all begs the question: with the U.S. government and corporate media ratcheting up their propaganda and lies about guns in an attempt to ban most firearms in the country; and with the ATF on a crusade against owning pieces of plastic that attach to the rear of firearms (currently under an injunction) and now trying to ban all private firearm sales, the question arises:
What are they planning to do to you that requires you to be disarmed?
And, perhaps more pressingly:
If they succeed in banning firearm sales, are you armed? Do you already have what you need to protect your family? And do you know how to use it?