Veganism is an anti-environmentalist ideology
A few days ago I wrote an article about how Apple was phasing out leather in its iPhone cases. Today I wanted to elaborate on that and talk about some other ways in which the vegan religion is harming our environment.
Veganism is costly to the environment
When vegans talk about eating grains instead of the animals that eat grains, they are promoting a fundamentally incomplete, unhealthy diet for human beings. We’re not herbivores, we need to eat more than just grains, vegetables, and fruits.
Many vegans say they feel better when moving to a vegan diet, but the key reason for that isn’t the vegan diet they moved to - it’s because they moved away from the SAD (Standard American Diet) of junk food. Any diet is an improvement over that!
People should be eating some kind of Paleo, Primal, Carnivore, or Keto diet. Basically roughly what people ate 10,000 years ago, before the advent of agriculture. When they don’t, they get sick, and sick people require resources to heal - whether that’s hospital beds and equipment like kidney dialysis machines, or medication. All of this equipment needs resources to be manufactured, it then needs to be shipped around the world, and requires electricity to run and spare parts to maintain.
Nobody in the “body positivity” community seems to be talking about the fact that clothes for obese people require more resources to make. Have you seen a 3XL t-shirt? How much cotton goes into that versus a medium?
If we could get people to eat a healthy diet and lead healthier lifestyles, we could also dramatically reduce the cost of healthcare and therefore reduce pollution and the consumption of resources. Of course, it would also reduce the profits of Big Pharma, which is why there’s no serious push by any government towards getting people to eat healthy.
After all, the USDA (whose job is helping Big Ag sell grain) recommends you eat bread as a foundation of a healthy diet in their food pyramid. It’s amazing that this ridiculous corruption has persisted for so many decades and is still taught to children in schools.
Virtue signaling veganism (and Big Ag money and corruption) want to sell more wheat, corn, and soy, and in the process has blinded environmentalists into thinking stopping consumption of meat will somehow save the world, when that couldn’t be further from the truth.