War is by far the most harmful environmental disaster
Of all the human activities that harm the environment, war is by far the worst. The harm to the environment (and the humans that live in it) from a bomb exploding far exceeds the harm caused by thousands of ICE vehicles.
Only the evil of psychopathic mass-murdering warmongers could come up with defoliating agents like Agent Orange, destroying over 5 million acres of Vietnam’s forests and farmland, equivalent to 25% of Southern Vietnam.
It’s one thing to deal with the (presumably accidental) side-effects of chemical run-off from factories. But chemicals used in warfare? Those are engineered to cause harm. Harm is the purpose of everything done in war. Harm to people, harm to infrastructure, harm to the environment. There’s a reason “scorched earth” is a military strategy.
And what about the pollution caused by the machines used in war? Even just training runs, like when air force pilots train on their planes, use up thousands of gallons of jet fuel. To do what? To practice for murdering innocent people in yet more wars of aggression?
Focusing on transitioning from polluting ICE vehicles to (also polluting) EVs is tone-deaf in a situation in which the U.S. government provides munitions to the Ukraine, which expends over 10,000 artillery shells per day, bombing its own land to repeal the Russians. By the time they’re done fighting that war, there will be no Ukraine left to live in.
What about Depleted Uranium? NATO has been using this highly radioactive substance in its munitions for decades, devastating the genetic make-up of the entire Iraqi race, with extremely high rates of cancers and birth defects. Remember, Depleted Uranium has a half-life of 4.5 billion years. That stuff will be around past when the sun runs out of hydrogen and explodes. Who’s taking responsibility for that environmental disaster? Instead, they talk about how nuclear power is dangerous.
How does one square the fact that democrats seemingly support environmentalism, renewable energy, and war? It’s simple: they don’t support environmentalism, they just use environmentalist propaganda to win elections and control you with fear and guilt. Those private-jet flying, warmongering psychopaths couldn’t care in the slightest about the damage they’re doing to Iraqi or Vietnamese children; and they certainly don’t care about their carbon footprints.