Jul 23Liked by Libertarian Prepper

What if the dollar collapses. How could the government pay its solderers and police if they cannot pay them with anything. Maybe the government will just collapse. How could they rebuild it? Maybe that will happen and it will not come any war.

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I think in a dollar collapse scenario they'd be paying them in food and shelter (at a time when many others would likely be starving). Either that or the soldiers and cops go rogue and just start looting directly (without the pretense of "taxation"). I think that's one of the things that's happened historically when a large amount of soldiers are suddenly not paid anymore. They reveal their true colors.

Then again, maybe they'll just go home. One can always hope!

There's also the possibility that a dollar collapse leads to states seceding and having their own currencies (or regional currencies for groups of states) in which case they'd still be able to pay their soldiers and cops, at least at the state level?

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