Two days ago, the French government arrested Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov while he was at a French airport. The French government doesn’t like that Telegram isn’t giving them its user’s details and censoring content as much as they want. And we all know what kind of content they want censored.
The French government is taking political prisoners.
For 5 years, the British government held Julian Assange in a maximum security prison colloquially called “Britain’s Guantanamo Bay”, in conditions amounting to solitary confinement and psychological torture: “Assange had been confined to his cell at HM Prison Belmarsh for 23 hours per day and given one hour of recreation per day conducted inside.” What did he do? He revealed the truth about crimes committed by the U.S. and NATO.
The British government takes political prisoners.
In America, a mostly peaceful protest on January 6th after a fraudulent election resulted in the arrest of hundreds of people who had committed no crime whatsoever and held in prisons for years awaiting sentencing. The idea that trespassing on government property (everything the government owns is stolen from the people to begin with) is some kind of crime is false on the face of it.
The U.S. government takes political prisoners.
Meanwhile, who’s not in prison? The bankers that stole people’s money and ruined lives after the 2007/8 crash. The politicians who lied about WMD’s in Iraq, murdered thousands, displaced millions. Why are Bush and Dick Cheney not being prosecuted like Trump is? Surely their crimes are obvious for all to see. What about all the folks who went to Epstein’s island? The FBI has the list. Why aren’t they in prison yet? Oh, right. Pedophilia is not a crime in the government’s eyes. Murdering thousands under false pretenses. Illegal drone strikes. None of that gets punished.
Whatever we thought remained of decency in the West, the so-called “free democracies”, is gone. Justice has been corrupted absolutely. And with drag queen shows front-and-center on every streaming platform, I’m not sure there’s much of civilization left to save either.
What can decent, freedom-loving people do in the face of the collapse of civilization and everything our forebears fought for? We exit, and we build something better, something more local. We stop participating in the obviously fake elections. We stop going to protests and putting targets on our backs. We start gardening, building communities, and exiting from the Matrix.
The train is about to go off the cliff, folks. The only choice we still have is whether we want to be on it or not, when it does.
Here's the underlying issue: Societies fall when the citizens become selfish, fail to take personal responsibility for their own issues, and lack integrity. The blame belongs to every person. You can't raise an ultraistic and service-oriented government from a selfish and leave-it-to-someone-else citizenry.